01628 633113        stmichaelsbray@gmail.com     https://www.braystmichael.co.uk/facebook logo

Friends of St Michael's; What we do

This is a Registered Charity (Reg.no. 1070040) formed in 1998 whose objectives are to raise funds for the preservation, repair, restoration and improvement of St. Michael’s Church, Bray including the Church Hall and Churchyard.

Since 1998 The Friends have raised funds which have enabled the purchase, refurbishment or repair of numerous items including cushions, kneelers, hymn and prayer books, office equipment, kitchen equipment, folding tables, a storage shed, tents, a portable font, a lectern and bible, the restoration of historic memorials, refreshments at concerts and services in church as well as significant contributions towards the piano, and support for Music at Bray events.  The total of these items exceeds over £55,000 and in addition, as a separate appeal in conjunction with the PCC, over £300,000 has been raised towards the major repair works carried out on the tower, the north west wall and some of the stained glass windows and the new organ.

The majority of the above items provided for the church and hall could not have been afforded from the normal income of the church as that is generally only sufficient to cover routine running costs which are substantial, as with all old buildings.

In 2014 we commissioned a new altar frontal as can be seen from the following photograph:

The Gregorian Altar Frontal in purple has been special designed for Lent and Advent – the colour of the seasons.  Some of the symbols used are

  • Cross – St. Michael’s Cross
  • Crown – The Symbol of sovereignty, representing Christ as Lord, The king of kings
  • Stars – Reminders of the star that led the Magi to Jesus after his birth.
  • Angel’s wings – St. Michael’s celestial armies.

We seek support through membership, donations, legacies, and joining in events we organise, from those of any religious conviction who appreciate the presence of this beautiful and historic church, and from those who value its purpose for worship, baptism, weddings and funerals.

If you require any further information please telephone either Bill Banks, Treasurer, on 01628 627434 or Lynda Jones, Chair of The Friends, on 01628 635178,



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